
Monday, 5 November 2007

I've failed already and it's only Monday!

Hmm, that makes it sound far worse than it actually is. What I should say is that I was trying to blog along with the NaBloPoMo and try and blog everyday for the whole of November. I knew it would be difficult as I'm not a particularly regular blogger but I thought I'd make it past the first weekend at least. Oops :s Ah well, nevermind. It must have been my inner pessimist talking when I didn't sign up officially. Still, I am a little disappointed with myself.

After the way last week ended, I actually had a lovely weekend. Thanks for all the lovely comments, I don't like whinging but sometimes it can't be helped. We spent Saturday morning out beating and then went along to the local fireworks in the evening. I don't think I've seen fireworks that good since millenium night. They were superb!

So what am I up to on the knitting front then seeing as I've had several big finishes in the last couple of weeks? Well, it's a case of bags, bags and more bags. I'm also in the middle of a bit of a dye-fest.
I have, perhaps rather foolishly, signed up to do a stall at a Christmas craft fayre at the beginning of December. I'm going to be selling handbags, purses and home dyed yarn. Gulp. I'm test knitting a couple more bags patterns atm but I really need to get my finger out and get a few more felted otherwise it's going to be a very empty stall indeed.

Am I getting worried yet? Hmm, perhaps.

1 comment:

ContinentalCat said...

Good luck with the craft stall! You still have time enough, and we can all cheer you on.